What insurance does Blossom In Therapy Services accept?

Unfortunately, at this time we are only accepting private pay clients.

 Please e-mail us for a list of our services fees.

Helpful Insurance Questions

Are speech therapy services covered by my insurance?

Some medical insurances will cover Speech/Language services, others will not. Insurance is a contract between you and your insurance company. As such, it is your responsibility to find out what is covered. Below are some questions that may be helpful when contacting your insurance company: 

1. Does my policy include a speech therapy benefit?
2. Are there any exclusions to my policy? Is there a limit on the number of visits you will cover?
3. Do I need to bring a referral, prescription, or authorization to my evaluation in order to be covered?
4. Do I need a referral, prescription, or authorization for coverage of ongoing therapy sessions?
5. Do I have a co-pay or co-insurance? If so, how much for a specialist?
6. Do I have a deductible? Have I met my deductible? How much of the deductible is remaining?
7. Do I need a letter of medical necessity from my physician?

 *Please note that according to the fine print in most insurance policies, having a speech therapy benefit does NOT guarantee payment. After services rendered, a Superbill will be provided to submit to your insurance company for your reimbursement.